Integrated Kundalini Activation (IKA)

Integrated Kundalini Activation is a direct transmission of life-force energy that brings conscious expansion and supports healing. It awakens your wisdom, returning you home into your true essence of who your really are.

CHF 255.- (2 hours)

  • Kundalini is a Sanskrit word and means life force energy. It is also known as shakti energy, the divine feminine, creative energy and inner power. It is consciousness that has manifested as energy and the force that animates your physical body – an infinitely intelligence which is way beyond the mind.

    It refers to the purest essence of who you really are!

    In most of people, this energy lies dormant and coiled at the base of your spine similar to a snake which is why you often see the symbol of a snake in relation to Kundalini.

    When Kundalini is activated or awakened it rises through the energetic body and makes it way from the base of the spine through the main energy channel Shushumna Nadi to the crown, removing blockages in each of the chakras and rewiring your system.

    Once the pathway is free, energy can flow in both directions which allows you to connect to your highest consciousness - to your purest essence of who you really are!

  • Enhance your inner wisdom and evolve into your best versions with IKA

    Imaging enhancing your inner and evolving into your best versions with IKA.

    Everything in and around us is energy and everything has a frequency that carries information. As a facilitator I act like a tuning fork holding a specific frequency that your system will attune to.

    The frequency is made by connecting the energies from the earth and consciousness from the sky merging in the heart and expanding into the whole field creating this vibration which is again the frequency of everything and nothing at the same time.

    During the practice you are in a process of surrender starting your profound healing journey as the energy is increasing, your body is releasing – releasing limiting beliefs, stuck & negative energy, false identity & removing layers of misalignments in your physical and subtle bodies. Naturally, it will lead you to clarity, creativity, enhanced intuition, to feeling of freedom as you connect to your consciousness and to your true divine essence.

    IKA is a powerful type of energy work, intense and challenging but when you’re embracing your deep path of healing, you will fall in love with life over and over again.

  • Let’s find out the phenomenas of an Integrated Kundalini activation that you may experience during a session:

    -       Physical: your body may begin to move while patterns begin to unwind through the body. These are involuntarily movements, from small to big.

    Don’t be intrigued by the movements too much as it might perfectly be you laying still and quiet during the whole session as the internal healing process is not visible to the outside world.

    -       Energetic: As you start connecting with more subtle layers of reality you may feel energetic sensations such as tingling sensations, heat, cold, surges of energy in different parts of your body

    -       Visual: the energy in the subtle layers can manifest as seeing colors, symbols, receiving any downloads, senses of ‘knowing’ astral travel or connecting with other souls

    -       Emotional: various emotions can be released and you may feel from sad & angry for no reason, to happy & full of love. Whatever you feel, just let it happened and let it come out of your system.

    IKA helps you into full acceptance whatever there is – a magical path we can work on together.

Energy Healings

An energy healing is a practice to clear your chakras and your auric field from any blockages allowing energy to flow freely where it is required.

Ultimately, it activates your self - healing powers and harmonizes and balances your physical, mental and emotional body

CHF 111.-

CHF 299.-

CHF 1,200.-

  • improves health

  • dissolves energy blockages

  • increases vibrational frequencies of the body

  • changes negative conditions & behaviour

  • leads to a new positive balanced existence

  • rebalances & harmonises your energy field

  • creates inner peace & clarity

  • calms you when you are frightened or stressed

  • helps to focuse your mind & helps you solve problems

  • releases pain & emotional wounds



Reiki is an ancient healing system founded by Japanese Dr. Mikao Usui. It is the universal life force consisting of love and light and goes where the body requires healing

  • In a Reiki healing treatment I will clear your chakras of any blockages allowing the energy to flow freely where it is required in your body, mind and spirit.

    Reiki healing can be experienced with direct touch of my hands on your body or in distance which means we are not in the same place or country – Reiki energy will reach you wherever you are – no matter of place or time. Therefore, during a Reiki session you can either be relaxed at home, at work, doing errands or you might even be asleep

    After each Reiki session you will receive a personal analysis on what I perceived during the channeling of this purest energy of love & light.

  • Reiki is an ancient healing system that was founded in the mid 1800’s by a Japanese scholar/philosopher named Dr. Mikao Usui. Dr. Usui went on a quest in search of enlightenment. He began studying Buddhism and lived in a monastery with other Zen monks.

    He meditated & fasted on a sacred mountainside for twenty one days, in search for answers. On the final morning of his quest, Dr. Usui received the answers he was looking for. He was struck in his third eye by an incredible white light, losing consciousness for some time. Upon awakening, beautiful keys of Reiki were bestowed upon him through his Crown Chakra.. known as the Reiki symbols.

    He returned home using these symbols and his newly acquired skills.. unearthing the great healing method we call "Reiki." Dr. Usui went on to teach and attune a number of Reiki Masters before his death in 1926. One of whom was Grand Master Chujiro Hayashi.

    Dr. Hayashi treated Mrs. Hawayo Takata, a Hawaiian woman of Japanese descent and in very poor health. She was healed within months. Her experience led her to become a student.. then Master of Reiki upon Dr. Hayashi’s death in 1940. Mrs. Hawayo Takata was responsible for bringing Reiki to Western society.

    Today Reiki is practiced worldwide.. and is suitable for everyone and all faiths. Reiki is increasing in popularity as more people are now seeking a more holistic approach to their health and wellbeing!

  • The word chakra comes from Sanskrit and means wheel or turbine which are basically energy centers in our body. There are seven main chakras, 5 of them are located along the spine and 2 within the head.

    Each chakra is associated with a particular function within the body and with specific life issues and the way we handle them, both inside ourselves or in the interactions with others. Through external situations or internal habits such as longheld tensions and low self-esteem, a chakra can become imbalanced or blocked (either deficient or excessive).

    The powerful Reiki energy activates your self-healing process and helps balancing the blocked chakras for more harmony in your life.

  • Root Chakra (Muladhara) located at the base of the spine. It keeps us grounded to the earth and gives us understanding to the physical.

    Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana) located apprx. 2” belov navel. It is the sexual energy of creation.

    Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura) located at the solar plexus between navel and stomach area. It is involved in self-esteem, warrior energy and the power of transformation.

    Heart Chakra (Anahata) located behind the sternum between the spine. This is the energy center through which we love and place our intentions. It controls the heart, blood and circulation.

    Throat Chakra (Visuddha) located in the throat it is the energy center for our voice and expression.

    3rd Eye Chakra ( Ajna) located at the center of the forehead between the eyebrows. It is the energy center for our intuition and spiritual nature.

    Crown Chakra (Sahsrara) located at the crown of the head it is the center for consciousness, perception and for our own individual connection to all that is.

Pranic Application

Pranic Application is a non-touch healing system emphasizing on the energy body (auric field) using life force energy called prana to assist the body to repair itself.

Pranic Application goes beyond the physical or energy body of humans as it can also be applied to your home, garden, animal and other aspects in life.

This healing technique was scientifically developed by Grand Master Choa Kok Sui with over 20 years of thorough research and testings and was further enhanced with applications authored by Dr. Hazel Wardha.

  • In a Pranic Application Healing I will remove stagnant diseased dirty energy that were built up mainly due to emotions and stress, from your auric field and energy centers (chakras) before applying fresh prana (life force) into it.

    I use certain techniques to rebalance and harmonise your physical, mental, emotional & spiritual body by scanning, cleansing and energizing them.

    Pranic Application not only creates inner peace, clarity, happiness, healthier immune system and vitality but also it helps to overcome obstacles in life, promotes health, wealth, boosts relationships, sports enhancements, projects, spiritual growth and helps in many different life situations.

    As it is a non-touch energy healing, sessions can also be held in distance.

Are you ready to start your healing journey?

I invite you to get in touch with me for a free 30 minutes INNER PEACE call.

I help you create your journey to inner peace for you to live your life to the fullest